Book One: History of the West with Jemmey Fletcher: Ride to Rendezvous

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“Cody Assmann has hit one out of the park with his new book.” - Mike Marchewka: Outdoor Writer

An abusive and drunk Pa send sixteen-year-old Jemmey Fletcher running from his Missouri homestead in 1837. With only a rifle, fire-kit, and some salt pork, Jemmey runs into the forest determined to see the wild and free American frontier. Luckily, Jemmey meets an old mountain man named Laramie who happens to be on his way to the mountain man rendezvous. Traveling along with the pack train, Jemmey battles hunger, attacking Indians, storms, and most often himself in order to see if he has what it takes to become a Rocky Mountain trapper.

Written by award-winning teacher Cody Assmann, Ride to Rendezvous is a book of historical fiction depicting the American frontier as it actually was. With journal entries, living history activities, and video extension links included, Jemmey Fletcher is packed full of information that any history lover will enjoy. If you are looking for an exciting book that tells the story of the West as it was actually lived, Jemmey Fletcher is the book for you. Try Book Zero of the series FOR FREE if you’d like to get a feel for what to expect.

138 Pages

3 Ordering Options

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“Cody Assmann has hit one out of the park with his new book.” - Mike Marchewka: Outdoor Writer

An abusive and drunk Pa send sixteen-year-old Jemmey Fletcher running from his Missouri homestead in 1837. With only a rifle, fire-kit, and some salt pork, Jemmey runs into the forest determined to see the wild and free American frontier. Luckily, Jemmey meets an old mountain man named Laramie who happens to be on his way to the mountain man rendezvous. Traveling along with the pack train, Jemmey battles hunger, attacking Indians, storms, and most often himself in order to see if he has what it takes to become a Rocky Mountain trapper.

Written by award-winning teacher Cody Assmann, Ride to Rendezvous is a book of historical fiction depicting the American frontier as it actually was. With journal entries, living history activities, and video extension links included, Jemmey Fletcher is packed full of information that any history lover will enjoy. If you are looking for an exciting book that tells the story of the West as it was actually lived, Jemmey Fletcher is the book for you. Try Book Zero of the series FOR FREE if you’d like to get a feel for what to expect.

138 Pages

3 Ordering Options

1. Add to Cart and Checkout on with PayPal or Credit Card.

2. Buy on Amazon by clicking this link. (E-Book just .99 cents)

3. Send an e-mail to to receive information on ordering with a personal check.

“Cody Assmann has hit one out of the park with his new book.” - Mike Marchewka: Outdoor Writer

An abusive and drunk Pa send sixteen-year-old Jemmey Fletcher running from his Missouri homestead in 1837. With only a rifle, fire-kit, and some salt pork, Jemmey runs into the forest determined to see the wild and free American frontier. Luckily, Jemmey meets an old mountain man named Laramie who happens to be on his way to the mountain man rendezvous. Traveling along with the pack train, Jemmey battles hunger, attacking Indians, storms, and most often himself in order to see if he has what it takes to become a Rocky Mountain trapper.

Written by award-winning teacher Cody Assmann, Ride to Rendezvous is a book of historical fiction depicting the American frontier as it actually was. With journal entries, living history activities, and video extension links included, Jemmey Fletcher is packed full of information that any history lover will enjoy. If you are looking for an exciting book that tells the story of the West as it was actually lived, Jemmey Fletcher is the book for you. Try Book Zero of the series FOR FREE if you’d like to get a feel for what to expect.

138 Pages

3 Ordering Options

1. Add to Cart and Checkout on with PayPal or Credit Card.

2. Buy on Amazon by clicking this link. (E-Book just .99 cents)

3. Send an e-mail to to receive information on ordering with a personal check.

History of the West Timeline.jpg


"Great read! Outdoorsman and trapping historian Cody Assman has written a neat book titled, History of the West with Jemmey Fletcher: Ride To Rendezvous. Cody has set this book up with a great story that includes a series of lessons for the reader. “

-Mike Marchewka (Outdoor Writer)

“Enjoyed this book. The best at describing the life of mountain men. Totally enjoyed the side clicks. Hope there is a sequel.”

James Lee

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